
The Latency of Images

Free entry

Susanna Autio, Felix Brenner, Samantha Conlon, Paola Guzmán Figueroa, Aleksi Kallioja, Christian Langenskiöld, Philipp Niemeyer, Verneri Salonen, Mathilde Tufféry, Laura Tuomi.

This exhibition is based on a Photography course titled STROLLOLOGY, given by Katja Eydel, Professor of Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts of Uniarts Helsinki.

The science of Strolling is a term and practice created in the 1980s by the Swiss sociologist Lucius Burckhardt as a strategy to understand the conditions of our perception better, thus ourselves and the world around us.

The course made use of this approach in the context of photographical excursions. Cameras were left behind enabling focus on photographical viewpoints and visual understanding when encountering unknown, or even familiar fields.

Only when re-entering these environments later on the students had a photographic device with them, loaded with analogue film to further add to the idea of slowness. This process required some patience. To photograph, develop and wait in order to finally see in two-dimensions, what has been seen in three and decided to record.

The experience of slowing down and not being distracted, initially not even by a camera, created a sense of alienation. Trying to understand the environment as something external, to be read by human perceptual means in combination with our tools of recognition: IS there a way to create new findings?

Exhibition Laboratory

Merimiehenkatu 36 C

00150, Helsinki

Permanently closed