Tuuli Ojala

Tuuli Ojala

Ebb and flow

Tuuli Ojala: To No End

To No End is a book composed of sketchbook drawings. It examines sketchbooks and their character as a practice that emphasises continuity and discovery instead of the final result. The work reflects on questions pertaining to privacy and publicity, as well as to completeness and incompleteness, by presenting drawings that would typically be considered personal or unfinished.

Even the most ardent sketching cannot guarantee that the work will ever be finished. Many works are only represented by a sketch in a sketchbook. However, in many cases, the act of drawing is justification enough for making the sketch. The sketchbook is fundamentally private in nature. It is a playing ground, a safe haven where you can think, experiment, and make mistakes in peace.

About the artist

Tuuli Ojala (b. 1995) is a visual artist from Helsinki. She is currently studying for her MFA degree at Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts.

Ojala’s practice is based on drawing as a way of visual and embodied thinking. In her works, she often explores questions related to looking and making things visible. She is also interested in the possibilities of self-publishing and publications as part of one's artistic practice.

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IG @tuulijoo